4 Things Parents Want to Know about Language Disorders and Their Diagnosis

4 Things Parents Want to Know about Language Disorders and Their Diagnosis

Similar to speech impairments, language disorders make it difficult for kids to comprehend what they read or listen to. These disorders obstruct children from expressing their thoughts and feelings through proper articulation, affecting their social and learning skills. However, parents of these kids need not worry anymore since there are several ways to treat them effectively. But the first step to helping your child starts with knowing more about these disorders and their diagnosis.

What are language disorders?

A language disorder is an impediment in a child’s ability to speak or understand others. The difficulty to find proper words and make clear sentences lead to a major communication problem. The struggle to put thoughts into words often slows down the overall developments in kids.

Now, most kids learn to talk late but only a few catch up gradually on their own. But language therapists are insisting that it must be taken seriously if you suspect that your child is unable to grasp simple sentences and apply the right rules of grammar and language. However, it should be remembered that language disorders are not quite same as speech impairments or hearing issues.

Language disorders are classified under three categories, such as receptive language problem, expressive language problem and mixed receptive-language problem. While the first one indicates difficulty in understanding what others are speaking and the second one involves issues with expressing thoughts accurately, the third one relates to both- difficulty in comprehending and applying spoken language.

What causes language disorders?

Experts cannot still pinpoint the exact causes of language disorders but according to the extensive research they can be tracked down to some possible reasons.

  1. Hereditary:A recent study shows that 20 to 40% of kids who have a family history of speech and language impairment become prone to such language impairment as compared to 4% of those with no family history.
  2. Prenatal nutrition:After a survey language experts have found out that a baby is less likely to develop language disorders if the mother takes folic acid supplements at her prenatal state.
  3. Other issues:Premature birth, Down syndrome and autism disorder are also some reasons behind verbal and behavioral challenges faced by children at a very early age.

What are the symptoms?

Troubles with communication including speaking clearly, hearing properly and organizing information as heard from others are the basic signs of detecting language disorders. There are other symptoms as well that are only detectable in kids after the age of 3. They are-

  1. Having limited vocabulary in comparison with other children.
  2. Inability to express in simple sentences
  3. Having problems with uttering new yet easy words or understand them.

Can they be diagnosed through symptom analysis?

Language disorders can be treated through proper diagnosis and early intervention. If your kid is not as spontaneous as other kids and feels aloof, then you should watch out for the symptoms of verbal limitations, as mentioned above. From testing his reception of information to communication skills, his conditions will be assessed through expert observation and analysis. Once the evaluation is done, speech pathologists will start with various therapeutic treatment procedures that are just fit for your child.


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